Friday, November 26, 2010

The Dangers of Resizing the Oreo Cookie

Oreos are probably the most useful cookies to ever exist upon the face of the earth. Composed of two black, chocolaty circles sandwiching sweet, sugary-white cream, the Oreo has the power to exert a certain calming effect over any whiny child and to entice their inner ability to endure life and its difficulties.
But what if the Oreo were to undergo some minor change?

Let's assume that Nabisco decides to add a few inches onto the Oreo cookie. Of course, they'll probably think that by making the Oreo bigger, kids will have more cookie to enjoy, parents will enjoy the fact that their children are enjoying larger cookies, and Nabisco will enjoy a larger profit.

But, no. That's not the way it works.

Let us examine the important aspects of the present size of an Oreo cookie. By observing the general diameter of the opening of a drinking cup and comparing it to the diameter of an Oreo cookie, we can see that the Oreo and cup exist in perfect harmony.

This is what would happen if the Oreo was enlarged. 

And we all know what happens after that.

If we assume that Nabisco were to make the Oreo smaller, we can imagine a similar scenario.

Changing the present size of the Oreo will cause a widespread number of suicidal kids.
The World doesn't need that right now. 

Trust me.


  1. Hahah, suicidal kids! Love it! Keep it up.

  2. Oh you awesome, creative, genius child you.
    I shall get you a following in the land of OZ!


  3. My hero!
    You're great, Divena. Can't wait to see you're stuff!
    I'm really glad you enjoyed this!
